Your Bank President and Board of Directors may only think about the Call Report briefly, like four times or so each year. This is as it should be, and this is how it is in many banks. The efficient, accurate, and timely preparation of the quarterly reports is something that just happens, and may even be taken for granted.
If the Call Report ever does get noticed, it is sometimes for the wrong reason. Unless you have a hand in preparing it, you may underestimate how difficult it can be to do it right. There are changing bank variables, changing accounting rules, changing instructions, and changing definitions and coverages. You have to work with all of the departments in the bank, and understand the underlying schedules that are reported up through those departments. And that is not even mentioning that staff turnover in those departments can leave you hanging when the deadline is looming. We also know that some banks have learned the hard way that there really is no such thing as an extension in the reporting deadline.
That is why Call Report preparers need to get the consistent training and support they need. 3PR Call Report Resources provides the coaching you want and the answers you need to the puzzling questions that often arise. We can’t guarantee that you will be recognized for a job well done, but maybe you will at least be taken for granted for all the right reasons.
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